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2 egg

450 g of flour 

225 ml of milk 

25 g of sugar

A pinch of salt 

50 grams of butter

25g fresh yeast (one whole square)


1. First we heat the milk for a few seconds in the microwave add the sugar and yeast let it rest for 10 minutes.

2. Meanwhile sift the flour with the help of a grinder, add the salt and reserve until 10 minutes have passed.

3. Once this time is over, we add the milk and yeast and mix, it will be fully diluted in this base.

4. Beat the egg in another container and add it to the flour, mix again. You can use chopsticks or the blender. Rods will give us a slower finish, faster mixer.

5. We heat the butter slightly in the microwave if it's hard, ideal is to keep it at room temperature.

6. We add butter to batter and mix. We hand knead the dough and worked for a few minutes.

7. There's no need to rush to create the perfect sleeping bread. When it's ready we make a ball with the dough and cover with a cloth.

8. We let it rest for 90 minutes in a place free of air currents for example inside the microwave or a cupboard.

9. During this downtime the yeast will cause the dough to grow in size, an important thing for achieving a fluffy milk loaf.

10. At the time of lifting, we divide the dough into equal portions. We make balls and then flatten them with a plate and cut the ends with a knife to make it a rectangular shape.

11. We make three diagonal cuts on the surface of the breads, to give them the traditional shape. We can really give it the way we like.

12. We place the breads on the oven tray, and cover with a cloth. Let sit for 25 minutes before baking.

13. This step will make our dough more fluffy and tender. Just before the end of break time beat an egg and we painted the rolls.

14. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the milk breads for 10 minutes, turn off the oven and let sit for about 5 minutes.

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