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Easy yogurt cake



- 3 eggs, separated 

- 240 g (1 cup) yogurt

- 60 g (½ cup) all-purpose flour

- 20 g (2 ½ tbsp.) cornstarch

- zest 1 lemon

- 20 mL (1 tbsp.) lemon juice

- pinch of salt

- 100 g (½ cup) sugar


Whisk egg yolks with yogurt, lemon zest and juice.

Mix cornstarch and flour, add dry ingredients to yolk mixture.

Beat the egg white with a pinch of salt until frothy. Start adding the sugar, while working with a mixer. When stiff peaks form, gradually fold the egg whites into the batter.

Pour into an 18cm cake tin and place in the ovenproof dish filled with hot water.

Bake at 150C/302F for 60 minutes.

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