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Roasted chicken with red onion chunks

Roasted chicken with red onion chunks Forex make money en ligne affiliate marketing



  • Corn, wedges, sweet potato, butternut and sliced tomatoes. The boiled egg was requested by  hubby.

  • The chicken was tender, juicy and packed with so much flavour this recipe is always a winner.

  • I did not cook the chicken in a pot instead I grilled it in the oven

  • I pre boiled the potato wedges and corn.

  • I roasted the sweet potatoes and butternut separetly and then added it to the chicken. Just before serving, if the sweet potato is over grilled it will burn.

  • Make slits on chicken, marinate chicken according to the spices required.  Place chicken in a pyrex, add sliced tomatoes on each chicken about 2 slices. Add red onion,corn and  potatoes wedges.
  • (Add butter and salt to the corn)

  • Grill on high heat for 10 to 15mins then drop the temp to medium. For 20 mins. Keep checking 

  • Make the sauce and vagaar.

  • Toss the wedges in a little sauce and place back into the pyrex.

  • Spread the sauce over the chicken grill for 5mins then top with sweet potato, butternut, vagaar and boiled egg.



Sunday chicken


  • 1 chicken
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp red masala(red ginger garlic paste)
  • 1 tsp Peri peri masala(red chilli garlic paste)
  • 1 tsp red chillies( I added chilli flakes)
  • 1/4 tsp lemon pepper
  • Pinch of tumeric
  • Pinch of elachi ( cardamom)
  • 2 tblspn lemon juice
  • 1 tblspn desiccated coconut
  • 1 tblspn ground almond
  • Little saffron
  • Cook in butter( olive oil)



  • 3 tblspn tomato puree/ 1 pkt tomato paste
  • 5 tblspn mayo
  • 5 tblspn chilli garlic sauce ( steers garlic sauce and maggie Chilli sauce)
  • Add sauce when chicken is almost done 
  • P.s I use puree or even liquidized tomato.



  • 2 tblspn butter( olive oil)
  • 2 whole red dry chillies
  • 5 clove garlic sliced( I use 3 tsp of crushed garlic)
  • 1 tsp whole jeeru
  • Sliced almonds (I used a heaped 1/8 cup)
  • Curry leaves (2 sprigs)
  • Pour tempered mix over chicken before serving.

  • Served with wedges.
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