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Chicken Mushroom and Spinach Crustless Quiche

Chicken Mushroom and Spinach Crustless Quiche


3-4 chicken breast fillets

Chicken spice

1 punnet mushrooms

2 cups baby spinach

8 eggs

250ml cream

1 cup grated cheddar cheese

Mixed herbs


1. Cut chicken into pieces and braise in a pan with chicken spice.

2. Cut mushrooms into slices and add to chicken. Braise together until cooked.

3. Add spinach and stir until wilted. Add more spinach if you like. It seems like a lot but it cooks down quite a bit.

4. Put mixture into an oven dish.

5. In a bowl mix together eggs, cream and cheese until combined.

6. Pour egg mixture oven chicken mixture in oven dish. I sprinkled mixed herbs on top.

7. Bake at 180°C for 30-35min.


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