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The essential differences between you and the richest man in the world

 If you tried and failed or partially succeeded in your career path, or even you are still at the beginning of your path, then your reflections are certainly not without a question: What is the essential difference between me and the richest man in the world?

It is not just circumstances, opportunities, or coincidences that made the richest man in the world on this summit of success, but his personality must have many of the qualities that supported his arrival to this achievement.

The fundamental differences between you and the richest man in the world?

1- Respect for specialization

Specialization is one of the main characteristics that successful people share, as focusing your practical effort in one major - at least at the beginning - is something that pays off no matter how slow progress.

2- Continuity and determination

The stories of successful people are full of sharp paradoxes and difficulties that are difficult to move with, but in the end they were able to overcome them, either by dodging and moving to a new state, or by thinking deeply and finding a solution, but surrender in their dictionary did not respond.

3- Detailed Planning

Successful people are not satisfied with setting their plans in the form of broad lines, but rather they separate them into steps, main paths, and other alternative paths, and most importantly, they apply them on the ground, as they leave nothing to chance at all.

4- Permanent aspiration

Asceticism is not mentioned in the vocabulary of business and real life. Whenever you achieve success, you aspire to something more superior, and so on without end.

5- Continuous updating

Successful people know well that the continuation of success depends on the continuous updating of mechanisms of thinking and action, in line with and in line with the times and its developments.

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