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Rose-infused red currants blancmange

Rose-infused red currants blancmange


1 handful of suncore foods rose buds

1/4 cup red currants

1 cup unsweetened soy milk

1/2 cup full fat coconut milk

1/4 cup water

3 tbsp cornstarch

3 tbsp maple syrup

1/4 tsp vanilla extract

3/4 tsp agar agar powder .

To garnish

Red currants

suncorefoods rose petals .

Place soy milk with handful of rose buds in a saucepan over medium heat and bring to boil. Remove from heat, let infuse for 5 minutes.

In a blender add water and red currants, blend still smooth.

Strain rose infused milk and red currant juice through a fine mesh sieve.

Add coconut cream, rose infused milk and red currant juice into a saucepan and place on the stove on low heat. 

When the mixture becomes warm add the agar-agar and cornstarch stirring constantly, cook until agar completely dissolve. Then whisk in vanilla and maple syrup. Allow to boil for approximately 30 seconds.

Pour mixture into a jelly mold, place in fridge to set (about 2-4 hours). 

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