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Youth and Entrepreneurship

 The usual routine occupations are no longer what young people seek to obtain, but now we find most young people after graduation from university dreaming of forming their own projects and being famous entrepreneurs around the world.

In the event that you want to enter the world of entrepreneurship, you must first fully understand the concept of entrepreneurship and the meaning of this term.

Entrepreneurship and how to profit from it:

Usually, we find that the term entrepreneurs are given to people who have become famous in the world as having influenced many fields and innovated things that did not exist before. Among the most famous entrepreneurs who are considered a living example for young people they can emulate:

Mark Zuckerberg, owner of Facebook, Bill Gates, Microsoft, Steve Jobs, Apple, and many others.

But there remains the question of what is entrepreneurship and how did these people and their ilk manage to enter and succeed in the world of entrepreneurship?

There are many expressions and concepts that denote the meaning of entrepreneurship so that each concept deals with a specific aspect of this comprehensive term, but in a brief and comprehensive manner, we can say about entrepreneurship as the ability to create new solutions or things that help solve an existing problem or So that mankind can live life better and easier.

So if you are able to think outside the box, leave the familiar and go to build creative and unique projects, able to bear the burdens of entering the world of entrepreneurship and ready to take risks, then you in this case have the ingredients to become one of the entrepreneurs.

Areas of entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is not limited to practicing one type of activities, but it includes many areas, including:

Profitable entrepreneurship: This type of entrepreneurship is the most important type for many young people, especially those who dream of being rich and making money, and this type depends on establishing projects or proposing ideas that can achieve material profits for their owners, and perhaps the technological era in which we are now living in it many such as These projects like Amazon, Anta, and Microsoft, among others.

Political Entrepreneurship: If politics is your concern and you are greatly interested in it, then you can establish a political party or a specific political orientation and be famous for this.

Social entrepreneurship: This type includes undertaking projects that support the community and work to solve its problems, such as working in institutions and civil and charitable societies, and the more your association or project achieves its goals in community reform, the more it becomes a pioneering right in this field.

The difference between entrepreneurship and regular investment projects:

From the above information listed above, you may think that there is no difference between projects that enter you into the world of entrepreneurship and any investment project that you can do or participate in.

But in fact, the matter is completely different, so you cannot become an entrepreneur by creating a regular investment project, but there are basic features that must be found in entrepreneurship projects, which are:

Innovation: Your project idea must be innovative and have sufficient creativity to enter your project within the framework of entrepreneurial projects.

Risk: A pilot project involves a greater amount of risk compared to a regular investment project.

Societal value: any entrepreneurial project, whether for profit or even a community project, it is very important to provide benefit to the community and add great value to it.

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