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How to create renewed relationships with your customers?


One of the most important things that project owners think about, especially emerging ones, is how to obtain, attract and maintain clients. This process has now become a method that is managed according to specific strategies and steps that are studied and analyzed to understand the customer and gain his satisfaction, in the long run, the first time that the client By visiting your store or project to buy your products or receive your services, it is considered the beginning that you should focus on to invest in this customer to maintain it and even attract more customers through it through the good reputation and quality that you will provide to him through your products or services.

The question that is being asked by many entrepreneurs and investors.

How do we maintain our clients and improve our relationships with them ??

Here are these steps and tips that will help you gain and maintain clients and create renewed relationships with them:


Entrepreneurs wishing to maintain their customers must be honest with them in all product-related transactions, starting from the quality provided to the price and after-sales services or offers, they must be honest about all the services they provide or the advertisements they write about their products because The slightest feeling of dishonesty from the customer will make him decide not to buy or visit your store or business again.

Also, this matter will negatively affect your company, so you must maintain customer satisfaction and gain loyalty in the long run.

Word of mouth marketing:

Always think about ways to get customers to talk well about your brand or products.

Talking about your products that come from your current customers to others will turn them into potential customers, what distinguishes this talk is that it will be more reliable because it is issued by others.

Here are the ways to encourage word of mouth for your customers


Make sure to create and develop stimuli related to your products in the environment in which you will market them, for example, look for ideas and phrases that are circulating in the community about your products and their connection in the minds of customers, and use these phrases to address the sentiments of customers and their emotions, this will encourage them to talk about your products more.

Value Added :

People prefer to talk about products that provide value and benefit to society, such as apps that save time and effort, save money, or help customers carry out their money management or budgetary processes, for example.

Storytelling style:

Make your brand part of customer stories, customers tend to exchange stories, so make branding your products part of customer stories

Customer Return:

The big challenge facing project owners is not in returning the customer to visit their stores and buying for the second time, but rather in maintaining this customer in the long run. A customer who does not find interest with the required quality in the products will leave, and perhaps a simple reason such as changing frequent customer service personnel contributes to losing The customer, therefore, should pay attention to all the gaps in both sides of the customer service and product quality well.

And I know the cost of acquiring new customers is much higher than the cost of maintaining an existing one.

Therefore, you must work thoughtfully to maintain customer loyalty by offering benefits, discounts and incentives.

Filling the client's need:

The project owners must think carefully about this point, as successful projects are those that pay attention and work to fill the needs of customers by providing strong products in the market that satisfy their desires, bearing in mind that the needs of customers change and develop and the successful management of projects is the one that monitors these variables and works to keep pace with them. And superior to competitors in solving the problem by offering and providing products that meet the need at lower prices, greater quality and an innovative way of marketing.

customers satisfaction:

One of the most important things that help in maintaining customers is working to gain their satisfaction, so attention must be paid to the notes and complaints that they submit, study them and work to address them while communicating with them about them and informing them of the treatments that have been done about them to achieve their satisfaction, and work must be done to address negatives and develop products or services On an ongoing basis, customer feedback is also an important method that enables projects and establishments to understand, analyze, and work on removing deficiencies as quickly as possible.

One of the most important points that you should pay attention to is also those unhappy customers who may negatively affect your potential customers.

According to customer studies, an unhappy customer is ten times more interested in spreading his experience than a satisfied customer.

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